Holidays Special - XXXI
Contagem regressiva!
Ja que eh a virada do ano, e eu quero que 2011 seja repleto de novidades, novos caminhos, tudo novo, resolvi escolher uma cor que eu normalmente nao usaria/compraria. Eh uma cor bem assim, digamos Tchans! Cheguei! Para completar, resolvi tirar a foto na piscina, bem Barbie anos 90! Que voces tenham um otimo ano novo, com todos os seus sonhos se realizando! Beijaoooo e vejo voces em 2011!!!!!!!
Since it is the passage of the year and I want 2011 to be full of news, new paths, everything new, I decided to wear a nail polish that I wouldn't normally wear/buy. It's a colour that say, "Hellooo I'm here!" Also, I took the pics while I was in the swimming pool, very 90's Barbie! I hope you guys have a great New Year, with all your dreams coming true! Kissessss and I'll see you in 2011!!!!!!!!
Reparem que as fotos foram tiradas debaixo da agua! =)
Could you tell that I took the pics under the water? =)
A cor? Eh um roxinho da Claire's. Eu ja tinha esse esmalte ha um tempo, mas como eu nao gostava muito da cor, nunca o usei, por isso resolvi usar agora.
The colour? It's a purple by Claire's. I've had this polish for a while, but I kinda didn't like it, so that's why I never wore it and that's why I want to wear it now.