A hora do planeta eh um ato simbolico, promovido no mundo todo pela Rede WWF, na qual governos, empresas e a populacao demonstram a sua preocupacao com o aquecimento global, apagando as suas luzes durante 60 minutos. A Hora do Planeta 2011 sera nesse sabado, dia 26 de marco, das 20h30 as 21h30 (horario local), no mundo todo e na sua cidade, empresa, casa... Em 2010, mais de um bilhao de pessoas em 4616 cidades, em 128 paises, apagaram as luzes durante a Hora do Planeta. Em 2011, a mobilizacao sera ainda maior. Visite o site em portugues para saber mais informacaoes.
The Earth Hour is a symbolic act, promoted around the world by WWF, in which governments, companies and the population show their worries about global warming, turning off their lights for 60 minutes. Earth Hour 2011 will take place on Saturday, March 26 at 20h30 (local time), around the world and in your city, work, home... In 2010, more than one billion people in 4616 cities, in 128 countries, took part in the Earth Hour. In 2011, it will be even bigger. Visit their website for more details.
The Earth Hour is a symbolic act, promoted around the world by WWF, in which governments, companies and the population show their worries about global warming, turning off their lights for 60 minutes. Earth Hour 2011 will take place on Saturday, March 26 at 20h30 (local time), around the world and in your city, work, home... In 2010, more than one billion people in 4616 cities, in 128 countries, took part in the Earth Hour. In 2011, it will be even bigger. Visit their website for more details.
Voces sabiam que a Hora do Planeta comecou em Sydney/Australia, em 2007?
Did you know the Earth Hour started in Sydney/Australia, in 2007?