Monday, December 20, 2010

Especial de Fim de Ano - XXI

Holidays Special - XXI

Uma sugestao para manter seus mantimentos bem guardados nesse fim de ano, ou ate mesmo dar de presente para os amantes da boa cozinha, sao esses recipientes da marca Alessi, que sempre sao muito inovadores no design de utensilios domesticos. Para ser sincera, eu nao sei onde voce pode adquiri-lo no Brasil, mas aqui na Australia eh bem facil achar Alessi nas lojas Myer e David Jones.

Another suggestion to keep your provisions well kept this holidays, or even give it as a gift to the good food lovers, is these Alessi containers. To be honest, I don't know where to find this brand in Brazil, but here in Australia, it is very easy find Alessi at Myer and David Jones.

As fotos nao estao muito boas, mas ja da para reparar no detalhe do homenzinho pendurado na tampa! Sao quatro cores diferentes, na foto so esta faltando o verde escuro.

The pictures are not very good, but you can see the detail: a man hanging from the lid! There 4 different colours, it's missing only the dark green on the picture.
Da para guardar sal, acucar, cafe, saquinhos de cha, macarrao, farinha, etc. 

You can use it as storage for salt, sugar, coffee, tea bags, pasta, flour, etc.


  1. That's very cure! I saw it at Myer the other day, it was 10% off, but I don't think it is anymore! :(

  2. But how much each? Last time I checked it out it was about 30 dollars each. Out of my budget! But Merry Xmas everyone!

  3. It doesn't match my kitchen! But very cool!

  4. I found another one, in a bigger size and in the colour that was missing in my collection! I'll show you guys some other day! Thanks for reading!
    Eu achei outro, num tamanho maior e na cor que tava faltando para a minha colecao! Mostrarei pra vcs algum outro dia! Obrigada por lerem o meu blog!
