Thursday, July 14, 2011

Colar de laco

Bow Necklace

Estava eu assistindo a reprise do seriado exibido na decada de 80, Caras e Caretas (Family Ties em ingles) quando me deparo com esse colar usado pela personagem Elyse Keaton, interpretada pela atriz Meredith Baxter. Ele eh meio extravagante para o meu proprio gosto, mas achei simplesmente o maximo! As fotos que tirei nao estao muito nitidas (antigamente nao exisitia HD! hahaha), mas o colar eh dourado e tem um laco grande como foco principal. Lembrou-me muito uma gravata borboleta! Acho que foi essa ideia mesmo, de usar como gravata, ja que ela estava com um vestido com corte de terninho, e no episodio eles estavam numa festa de gala. 
Ja vi muitos colares de lacinho por ai, mas nao tao grande como esse da foto. Adorei! Sera que eu teria coragem de usar um colar assim? =D

I was watching the rerun of the tv show Family Ties, originally aired in the 80s, when I saw Elyse Keaton, the character played by Meredith Baxter, wearing this bow necklace. It's a bit extravagant for my own liking, but i just thought it was awesome! The pictures I took are not very clear (back then there was no HD! hahaha), but it's a simple golden necklace with a big bow as the main focus. It reminded me of a bow-tie! Well, actually I think that was the idea because she was wearing a tailored-cut dress and they happened to be in a gala event. 
I've seen lots of bow necklaces before but not as big as this one. Loved it! Just wondering if I would wear something like that! =D