Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ideia Genial

Brilliant Idea!

Olha que ideia genial! A musica do video abaixo (do meu post Acesso Universal) foi toda tramada pra ilustrar como o virus do HIV pode se espalhar tao rapidamente, sem mesmo voce saber que o esta espalhando! Pra entender melhor, eu explico: "Going all the way" por Sdia eh o Aids Task Force Annual Campaign (Forca Tarefa anual da campanha contra a Aids), que tava rolando por algumas semanas em 2009, sem ninguem saber. Esse grupo foi criado especialmente para essa Forca Tarefa e gravaram a musica Going all the Way, onde uma garota sexy conta toda a sua vida sexual. A musica foi tocada centenas de vezes em todas as estacoes de radio em Israel, e em apenas 3 semanas, ficou mais de 5 horas consecutivas no ar (se fossemos contar), valendo milhoes de sheckels. Atingindo os rankings das paradas nacionais (Israel) e internacionais, entre downloads, broadcasts e inclusive acordando os brothers do Big Brother Israel, esse metodo ilustra perfeitamente como centenas de milhares de pessoas estao expostas, passam e repassam com facilidade algo simples como uma musica ou o virus da Aids, sem muitas vezes nem saber direito o que esta passando pra frente.

Voces repararam que Sdia eh a palavra Aids ao contrario?
Did you notice that Sdia is Aids spelled backwards?

Look what a brilliant idea this is! The music from the video below (from my post Universal Access) was all built to illustrate how the HIV virus can spread out so easily, without you even knowing what you're passing ahead! To understand better, I explain: Going all the way by Sdia, is the Aids Task Force Annual Campaign and it was running for few weeks in 2009 without anyone knowing. This group was created especially for the Task Force and recorded the single Going all the way, where a sexy girls tells the story of her adventurous love life. The song was played hundreds of times on all radio stations in Israel. Over a period of only 3 weeks, it received over 5 hours of consecutive radio airtime, worth millions of sheckels and made in the rankings of many national and international downloads and broadcasts and it was also used in the Israel Big Brother reality show. The ease to which the song was spread to one person to another in such a short period of time and without knowing exactly what they were passing along illustrates perfectly how easy it is to infect or get infected with Aids.


  1. Legal!! adorei o video!! é uma boa ideia mesmo.

  2. Genial mesmo!
    Tá antenada, heim!

