Saturday, November 13, 2010


Nesse sabado eu corri pra ver a exposicao Valentino, Retrospective: Past/Present/Future (Valentino, Retrospectiva: Passado/Presente/Futuro), no Queensland Art Gallery, em Brisbane/Australia. Eu digo corri pois esse eh o ultimo final de semana em exposicao! E assim como eu, muitas outras pessoas (a maioria mulheres, claro! rs) deixaram para a ultima hora para apreciar verdadeiros haute couture dignos de Valentino! 

Exclusiva a Brisbane, essa exibicao desenvolvida pela renomada instituicao Les Arts Decoratifs, Paris, abrange haute couture desde a primeira colecao criada em 1959 pelo famoso designer ate a colecao Outono/Inverno 2009-10 dos designers Maria Grazia Chiuri e Pier Paolo Piccioli, apontados como os diretores criativos da Valentino em 2008. 

Alguns temas foram usados para construir a exibicao: padronagem geometrica e graphic prints, o uso do tecido para criar silhuetas dramaticas e, claro, a caracteristica paleta de preto, branco e "Valentino red". Nao preciso nem contar que o trabalho empreendido na construcao das pecas eh excepcional! Chega a ser irritante saber que alguem pode fazer algo tao bem feito! rs E nao pense que a exposicao fica so nos vestidos, nao! Tem vestidos longos e curtos, terninhos, calcas, blusas, etc.

Como nao poderia deixar de ser, a exibicao inclui vestidos usados por Cate Blanchett, Julia Roberts, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Elizabeth Taylor, etc. Mas o favorito da mulherada, sem duvida, era o vestido que Julia Roberts usou quando ganhou o Oscar em 2000! Dava pra ouvi-las sussurrando: "Oh, eu reconheco esse daqui! Eh tao liindo!". Mas os meus favoritos sao os das decadas de 60 e 70, despretensiosos, leves, delicados e ao mesmo tempo tao marcantes!

This saturday I rushed to see this exhibition Valentino, Retrospective: Past/Present/Future, at Queensland Art Gallery, in Brisbane/Australia. I say rushed because this is the last weekend we can check it out! Just like me, many other people (mostly women, of course! lol) decided to do leave it for the last minute! Exclusive to Brisbane, this is a exhibition developed by the renowned institution, Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris. The exhibition encompasses haute couture from the first collection designed in 1959 by the house’s founder, Valentino Garavani, through to work from the Autumn/Winter 2009–10 creations by Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, appointed as creative directors for Valentino in 2008. Particular themes were used to build the exhibition: geometric patterns and graphic prints, the use of fabric to create dramatic silhouettes and, of course, the distinctive palette of black, white and ‘Valentino red’.
I don't even need to say the way he constructs his garments is amazing, so exquisite! It is almost annoying knowing that someone can do something so well done! lol Don't think it only has dresses! It has long and short dresses, pants, blouses, etc. The exhibition also includes garments worn by stars such as Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Elizabeth Taylor, etc. But the women's favorite gown there, no doubt about it, were the one Julia Roberts wore when she won the Oscars in 2000! You could hear the women whispering things such as "Oh! I recognize that one! It's beautiful!!!". But my favorites were the 60's and 70's dresses, unpretentious, light, delicate and at the same time so remarkable!

Queensland Art Gallery

Livro da exposicao, com fotos, detalhes e historia de Valentino. 
Exhibition book with photos, details and Valentino history.

Ainda bem que eu cheguei cedo e nao precisei ficar na fila!
Thank goodness I arrived early and didn't need to stand in line!


  1. Ver de perto a exposição de Valentino é muito chic. Chiquérrimo..

  2. Muito fina, heim! rs
    E aí, já tá com internet em casa?


  3. Poderosa e metida....(eheheheheheheh..)
