Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Ok, ok! Eu sei que eu estou atrasada e ja faz uma semana desde a famosa data 12/12/12. Famosa porque essa sera a ultima vez que veremos uma data com digitos iguais em quase um seculo, ate que chegue o dia 01/janeiro/2101 (01/01/01). Mas, aqui esta uma foto que eu tirei com meu celular nesse dia. Eu estava na ponte Granville olhando em direcao a Yaletown, em Vancouver, Canada.

Ok, ok! I know I'm a bit late and it's been a week since the very famous 12-12-12. I say famous because it will be the last time we'll have this kind of a triple date in almost a century, the next one being on January 1, 2101 (01/01/01). Well, here's a photo I took with my phone on that day. I was on Granville Bridge looking out towards Yaletown, in Vancouver, Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Hey nadilux!
    Love your blog!
    You should write more about nails though! :)
