Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Brisbane Festival

Brisbane Festival eh um dos principais festivais da Australia e um evento cultural que acontece na cidade anualmente. O primeiro aconteceu em 1996 como uma iniciativa para promover as artes, e neste ano, eles contam com mais de 400 performances - internacionais e nacionais - entre elas: danca, teatro, opera, musica classica e contemporanea, artes visuais, circo e sideshows.

Ah, se tiverem a oportunidade, nao percam a queima de fogos no dia de abertura e tambem o Santos City of Lights (show de luzes). Para ver os horarios do show de luzes, visitem o site abaixo.
Quando: De 3 a 24 de setembro, em diversos locais. Para mais informacoes sobre a programacao, visitem:

Brisbane Festival is one of Australia's premier festivals and Brisbane's annual cultural event. It has been held since 1996 as an initiative to foster the arts and this year, more than 400 performances -international and national - embrace dance, theatre, opera, classical and contemporary music, visual arts, circus and sideshows. 

Oh, if you have the opportunity, don't miss the fireworks on the opening day and also the Santos City of Lights. To know more about the performance times, please see the website below.
When: September 3-24, various locations. For more info, visit:


  1. I love fireworks!

  2. Interessante.Mas não vou poder ver, pois moro em

  3. I saw it, it was better than expected! The opening fireworks with the light show was pretty cool! Btw, I really like your blog, keep posting about Brisbane! Xo

  4. Oi, pessoal! Hi everyone!
    Obrigada por acompanharem o blog!
    Thanks for reading my blog!
