Sunday, August 7, 2011

Censo 2011

Census 2011

Terca-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011 eh dia de Censo aqui na Australia. O Censo fornece importantes informacoes para o planejamento de ambos setores privado e governamental e ajudam a moldar comunidades e o futuro de escolas, hospitais, estradas e servicos para os cidadaos. Por isso eh importante que voce faca parte do Censo 2011. Ha tres maneiras de participar: use o eCensus para responde online ao questionario; complete o formulario de papel e um coletor o recolhera; ou envie pelo correio. Para mais informacoes, incluindo detalhes em cada pergunta do questionario e como responder, visite: ou ligue para o Census Inquiry Service: 1300-338-776 numero local (8.30am - 8pm, 7 dias da semana ate o dia 5 de setembro de 2011).
Voces sabiam que o Censo Australia esta completando 100 anos? (1911-2011)

9 August 2011 Census Night in Australia

Tuesday, 9 August 2011 is Census Night here in Australia. The Census provides vital planning information for both the government and private sectors, and for a wide variety of community groups. Grants to state and local government are based on the information from the Census. This information helps to shape your community and its future needs such as schools, hospitals and roads and services for young people and the elderly. That's why it's important you take part in the 2011 Census so that your community counts. There are three ways you can participate: use the eCensus to participate online; complete a Census paper form and a collector will return to pick it up; or mail it back in the envelope provided. For more information, including details on each question and how to answer visit: or phone the Census Inquiry Service on 1300-338-776 (8.30am - 8pm, 7 days a week until 5 September 2011).
Did you know That Census in Australia is 100 years old? (1911-2011)