Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Tapete feito de cigarro. Rug made of cigarettes.
Detalhe do tapete. Detailed view of rug.
O artista chines Xu Bing usou 500 mil cigarros para produzir um tapete que imita a pele de um tigre, no Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, nos Estados Unidos. Na exposicao Xu Bing: Tobacco Project, ele explora a producao e cultura do tabaco, usando como inspiracao visitas a plantacoes e fabricas de cigarros.

Xu Bing, a chinese artist, used 500,000 cigarettes to create this mock tiger skin rug, at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts,USA. In the exhibition Xu Bing: Tobacco Project, he explores the production and culture of tobacco, inspired by his visits to tobacco farms and cigarette factories. 


  1. Ufa.... Ate que enfim acharam uma utilidade Para o cigarro.

  2. Tigers are cool! Smoking is bad for you! Very sad that there are less than 5000 tigers in the wild!

  3. Really? There are less than 5000 tigers in the wild?? That's a shame for sure! They are such cool animals. Shame on us so called human beings.

  4. Oi! Como a Maria Cecilia disse ai em cima, ate que enfim acharam uma utilidade para o cigarro! Eu tbm nao sabia que ha menos de 5000 tigres em seus habitats naturais! Eh uma pena isso! =(

    Hi! As Maria Cecilia said, finally someone found some use for cigarettes! I didn't know that there are less than 5000 tigers in the wild either! So sad! =(
