Thursday, October 13, 2011



Tem tres coisas nessa foto que eu queria mostrar pra vcs: 
1. O esmalte que eu estou usando essa semana - NYC Color Berrylicious (que eh muito parecido com o Noite de Gala da Colorama);
2. A lua cheia (o pontinho branco entre os meus dedos) e
3. Meu anel de asinha, ele nao eh bem rock'n'roll?
Tipo, uma coisa nada a ver com a outra, mas ta faltando assunto para o blog, portanto tenho que improvisar ne? rsrsrs

There are three things in this pic that I wanted to show you:
1. The nail polish I'm wearing this week - NYC Color Berrylicious (which is very similar to Noite de Gala by Colorama);
2. The full moon (the white dot between my fingers) and
3. My wing ring. Doesn't it say "yeah, rock'n'roll baby"?
Like, nothing to do with anything, but I'm lacking subjects for the blog, so I have to create something, right? hahaha